Thank you for supporting the Magnolia Soccer Club (MSC) Sponsorship program. Your continued support is intended to supplement the funding of our neighborhood recreational soccer club. The sponsorship program is intended to increase the visibility and reputation of our local soccer club and support local businesses and retailers with creative promotions and opportunities for exposure.
Your sponsorship donation goes directly to equip and prepare the players. Your decision of sponsorship must be out of a sense of interest and desire to help the community. Sponsorship does not give the sponsor any rights or privileges beyond these, including the operation of the club, the board, or selection of teams and coaches.
The Magnolia Soccer Club and the boys and girls of Magnolia thank you!
MSC Contact:

Our Team Sponsors
Sponsorship Level: Team MVP
Sponsorship Level: Team Captain
Sponsorship Level: Team Assist
Sponsorship Level: Team Player

Our Event Sponsors
MOD World Cup

Photo Day

Fall Kick Off U6-U9

Special Thanks